Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Beach in Al Thakira

Since our kayak plan was cancelled due to the weather, we decided to go on picnic at Purple Island in Al Thakira (the location was on Google Map), however, the road going to the island was completely unaccessible with the seawater.
So we went to the nearby Flower Each Spring Camp nearby.
We enjoyed the beach there, before the camp guard came and asked us to go out, saying we were not supposed to enter private property.

We decided to go the Al Thakira beach, the same place we went last week for crabbing.
This time, since it was daylight, we could see the path to a place like a jetty, where many people were fishing.
Quite a nice walking and view there.
People were fishing squid and crab.
Quite interesting how they fished crab, they were using squid as a bait, and the crab grabbed the squid, the pulled and took the crab with a net.
We also met some young friendly Arabic local, let us shared their mat.

The desert between Flower Each Spring Camp and Purple Island

The way to Purple Island

The way to Purple Island

Flower Each Spring Camp

Flower Each Spring Camp

Flower Each Spring Camp

Flower Each Spring Camp

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